images © marlborough gallery, new york, courtesy of galerie bruno bischofberger, zurichpresented by the marlborough gallery, 'gran elefandret' by spanish artist miquel barcelo is now on view until may 2012 in new york city's union square. measuring just under 9 meters at 5000 kg, the monumental bronze sculpture depicts a balancing elephant that is holding itself up by the tip of its trunk.sitting on a traffic island between union square east and 14th street, the piece is a highly textured sculpture that captures in detail the sagging skin and floppy ears of the elephant. to achieve the surreal, gravity-defying posture, barcelo worked with engineers to ensure the structural integrity of the pachyderm. the finish of the sculpture recalls the artist's tactile paintings in which he creates topographic surfaces on the canvas.'gran elefandret' appears courtesy of the marlborough gallery and the department of parks
and recreation 'art in the parks' program.

images © car los

image © scott lynch

images © marlborough gallery, new york, courtesy of galerie bruno bischofberger, zurich

during installation
image © marlborough gallery, new york, courtesy of galerie bruno bischofberger, zurich