ناچار صابون های مایع مخزنی و بستهای مرسوم شدن و خب بعضی ها نظیر من هنوز هم صابون های جامد رو ترجیح می دن به هر حال!

What I like about it:
- If mounted over the sink to drip-dry, it would eliminate the need to have to constantly drain a soap dish.
- Losing the soap dish also means the bar isn't constantly sitting in a puddle of its own filth and getting all mealy at the point of contact.
- Suburbanites with room won't care, but this would actually free up some sinktop space. (The sink in my NYC bathroom is about the size of the one in an airplane bathroom.)
What I don't like about it:
- They couldn't use a thumbscrew and it's held on with a hex nut? What, I'm supposed to get a socket wrench every time I've got to put a new bar on?
- I'd have to keep buying these special soap bars from the same manufacturer.

Actually, strike that last point, I'd probably try to build a jig that perfectly fits a bar of Irish Spring so I could bore the thing out with a Makita.