ایشالا روزی برسه که از شدت استغنا حتی برای چرکی نظیر پول این ارزش رو هم قائل نباشین که باهاش زمین رو بخواین تمیز کنین.
یقین بدونین این استغنا هیچ وقت در پس "پول داشتن" به دست نمیاد. برای رسیدن به این استغنا لاجرم باید سر از کار حقایق عالم دربیاریم و درک کنیم فرق میان باقی و فانی ها رو...

How would you like to literally clean your room with money ? This odd Dollar Broom was envisioned by American artist and publisher Mark Wagner and makes for a cool household item. There is no information regarding this design on the artist’s official website, but I imagine it is only a graphic concept. However, transforming it into reality would make a nice statement, as turning money into shreds always does. With dollars instead of bristles, sweeping floors was never as fun. And if exhibiting it in a museum will not draw all the attention needed, the product can also be used in a practical manner, by cleaning the hallways of the galley. How would you feel about having one in your home? Do you believe this type of household item has what it takes to attract many customers?