یک طراحی ناجوانمردانه اما فکر شده.
طرح شاید در نگاهی خوشبینانه (اگر مراد طراح طعنه زدن و خندیدن به معارف مسیحی نبوده نباشه) اشاره به گناه جمعی در معارف مسیحی داره و این که به صلیب کشیده شدن عیسی مسیح (به زعم مسیحیان) تاوان گناه جمعی فرزندان بشر بود. این مفهوم که همه معتقدان مسیحی در خون عیسی شریک ند و وامدار او و زیر دین او....
طراح در این نگاه خوش بینانه حتی می خواسته ما در هر لذت کوچیک نظیر بستنی خوردن حتی! این معرفت رو به یاد بیاریم و به وظیفه بزرگ خودمون بیاندیشیم...
اصطلاحا بستنی رو کوفت تون می کنه... :(

The laser engraved custom wood popsicle sticks will be used for frozen red wine popsicles that will be distributed as cocktail refreshments to the art gallery attendants "inviting them to drink the 'Kool-Aid'" says Errazuriz.

Errazuriz claims he previously carried the frozen wine popsicles to church concealed inside a cooler where they where inadvertently blessed by the priest while turning wine into the blood of Christ during the Eucharist.

The holly blood popsicles and their uniquely designed cross stick are a comment of the artist on the close relationship between extreme religious fanaticism and violent historic religious blood baths.
More from Sebastian Errazuriz:
"In the past years America has appeared to suffer a historical regression becoming more politically and religiously extremist than previous decades. The current religious fanatic groups although deemed potentially violent, are dismissed due to the current focus on religious fundamentals from the Middle East. While fighting the War on Terror, we forget that only a few decades ago, groups like the Ku Klux Klan, where a functioning, dominant political force in American society. The Klan much like other extremists identified themselves as a Christian organization, carrying out 'God's work' branding the Flaming Cross as their symbol during their reign of terror. Today the Klan is long gone; nevertheless extreme religious and political groups continue to hold a dangerous and growing influence over American politics, demanding that politicians publicly profess their faith in God and enforce laws that defend the ideology of the Bible over individual liberties."