دیزاین وقتی با کوتاهترین راهحلها بتونه مشکلی رو رفع کنه احتمالا خودش هم از خودش راضی می شه و عذاب وجدان نمی گیره. بلاخره بشر امروز می تونه به مدد خرج و برج بیشتر و استفاده بیشتر از منابع بلاخره راه کارهایی برای حل معضلاتش به دست بیاره اما اون وقتی احساس شعف در طراحی رخ می ده که ببینی با راه حلی ساده و بدون هزینه یا تمتعی خاص به راه حل رسیدی...
Tack pins are tack-pins: enlarged pinhead and a sharp steel protrusion that holds stuff in order. So why is there a big fuss about this design? Simple, many a nails have been chipped and sacrificed in a bid to remove them from the drawing board; mine included! Easy to Press is a redesign where the drawing pinhead makes it easy to pull out the darn thing. Saves you chipped nails and a whole lot of frustration!The Spark mission is to promote better living through better design. The Spark founders believe Design is an important, relevant tool to help build a better world. We feel that Design and designers act as catalysts, addressing problems and improving our lives and our Earth. Designers may be from anywhere, of any age, of any education. But they design!