مجسمه هایی با سایه!
خیلی فرصت ندارم در موردش حرف بزنم فعلا و فقط یه پرسش می گم: فکر می کنین چه تفکرات و اندیشه هایی می تونه به این گونه کارها بار بشه؟ اصلا معنایی جدی میشه متصور بود برای این کارها یا یه جور امر تفننی هستن؟

'cutout', 2010
steel, light source
7 × 20 x 20 cm / edition of 3 / private collection
the light and sculpture work of belgian artist fred eerdekens is, in its finished form, shadow images. each piece is crafted from materials which have been altered by eerdekens in such a way that the observer is able to read his shadow creations. eerdekens has developed a portfolio in which every piece is light-contingent. the shadows cast from the sculpted objects spell out the meaning of each work, as if the artist also speaks to the manifestation of fleeting memory. clipped phrases are formed from either the negative or positive space offered by a projected light interacting with the solid material. the resulting piece is one of a multidimensional message for the gallery goer-- sculpture and significant language joined to form the piece in its entirety.
a selection of eerdekens work is on display in 'words and dreams' beginning march 17th at magda danysz gallery in paris.

'neo deo', 2002
synthetic material, light projector
Ø 1400 x 400 cm

'neo deo', additional view

'my emotions escaped from language', 2011
copper, light source
18 × 65 x 14 cm

'could suggest something…', 1999
copper, light source
14 x 220 x 18 cm

additional view of 'could suggest something...'