چراغ مطالعه و پریز برق و دم و دستگاه مربوطه رو به طوری جا داده که اصلا انگار نه انگار که هستند. یک طراحی مینیمال و باحال!
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از حرکتی که برای جابهجاکردن صفحه زده و استفاده از میلههای تلسکوپی ظریفی که امکان قرارگیری صفحه ی چراغ رو در هر جایی می دن خیلی خیلی خوشم آمد.
Non-intrusive and practical, the Levity LED lamp envisioned by Peter Stathis for Byrne Electrical Specialistsis one lighting item that will match any modern desk. This project comes with a contemporary “superpower”: the ability to retract into the work surface when it is not in use. Here is more information from the producers: “Byrne’s new hybrid of task light and power/data center was designed to be flexible and adaptable in order to fit many different work environments; private offices, benching, conference rooms or tabling. Designed by award winning industrial designer Peter Stathis to offer unlimited flexibility while having little impact on the work surface. The capabilities of Levity are there when you need them.. and are completely hidden when you don’t“. With an elegant design, this lamp is not just suited for owners of small desks, but for anyone looking for an aesthetic twist when it comes to their work area .