faig ahmed هنرمند آذربایجانی، برای معرفی فرش سنتی آذربایجان در این نمایشگاه، نخهایی رنگی رو در الگوی دوربر فرش سنتی آذربایجانی به نحوی در فضای اتاق نصب کرده که پیوستار فضای غرفه رو اشغال کردند و گویی فرش بر روی دیوار غرفه از رشته های نخی که از ماورا خودشون رو به داخل غرفه کشوندن، بافته شده...
'thread installation' by faig ahmed
often working with carpet and its fabrication, azerbaijani artist faig ahmed explores and redefines its process with his large-scale piece 'thread installation'. the artwork unravels and re-interprets the material used in traditional azerbaijan rug manufacture by simulating a type of 'stitching' with the yarn across the surface of a wall. the fiber is carefully arranged in re-imagined customary motifs across the panel, then interrupted with stretches of the colorful thread - spanning the space it occupies. in essence, ahmed explores the composition of a traditional azerbaijanian floor cloth by disjointing its structure and placing its canonic elements into open space, touching upon a sancta sanctorum of azerbaijanian rug-making custom.
ahmed describes his work philosophy:
'I’ve been always fond of investigating and researching every detail of anything that had interested me and sometimes this researches reached inconceivable depths mixing up with my imagination. I’m heretofore harried by a question others have left in childhood – 'what is inside?'. that’s why I’m changing habitual and visually static objects making them spatial, giving them a new depth. and this as if reveals the essence of this object – the object that was mediocre just a minute ago.'
the fiber is carefully arranged in re-imagined customary motifs across the wall
stretches of the colorful thread span the space it occupies
the artwork unravels and re-interprets the material used in traditional azerbaijan rug manufacture
detail image
detail image of the thread
the artist re-interprets the tradition of carpet making