درسته با نگاه درست تر به موضع مسکن فاصله داره و کفاف رو رعایت نکرده، اما برای معماری که تا این اندازه به آسمان هستی و آفاق بها بده که برای طلوع و غروب خورشید و گردش مدارات سماوی و رصد آسمان ها در معماری ش حساب باز کنه ، خیلی احترام قائلم.

all images courtesy edward ogosta architecturecalifornia practice edward ogosta architecture has designed 'four eyes house', a weekend residence within the desert of the coachella valley, outside of los angeles, california. derived from the specific site location, four towers dedicated for sleeping are oriented towards spatiotemporal experiences including the morning sunrise in the east, southern mountain range, evening city lights to the west and the celestial sky overhead. the top floor bedrooms contain solely a bed, filling the footprint of each tower, which are of equivalent area allowing family members to change based on their personal preference.
the elevated sleeping quarters alters the dwellers sensation of sleeping and waking, intensified by natural events including the earth's movement, slowly rotating under the stars. to access the common areas of the home, vertical circulation ranging from a ladder to spiral, switchback or shallow riser stairs connects directly to the common area. the spaces are loosely defined and enclosed with frameless glass walls allowing a permeable relationship with the swimming pool and landscape beyond.

entry view

view into living space

kitchen and living areas

(left) view from living room
(right) bedroom niche

bedroom views within "sleeping towers"

night view with doors retracted

site approach

concept diagrams and models
floor plan / level 0
floor plan / level 1
floor plan / level 2
designboom has received this project from our 'DIY submissions' feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication.
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