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دوباره یانون‌دیزاین

قریب به نه ماه از آخرین پست انتشاری یانون‌دیزاین می‌گذرد! و دقیق‌تر قریب به یک سال از کم فعالیت‌ شدن و خسته‌ شدن یانون‌دیزاین!

یانون‌دیزاین تا پیش از این یک سال، با جامعه بزرگ و علاقه‌مندی از حوزه طراحی ، معماری و هنر آمیخته شده بود. خیلی‌ها در سال‌های ۸۶ که فقط به فرستادن ایمیل‌های گاه‌به‌گاه دیزاین به صندوق ایمیلی معدودی از دوستان ورودی ۸۵ دانش‌گاه هنرم مشغول بودم تا همین آغاز سال ۹۶ ، کم کم روزانه با ایمیل روزنامه یانون‌دیزاین، سیر اینترنتی خودشان در جهان هنر و طراحی را شروع می‌کردند. خیلی‌ها ابراز لطف فراوانی را در این سال‌ها به تیم فعال یانون‌دیزاین ابراز کرده‌اند و همین خیلی‌ها و بسیاری که منتقدانه و تیزبین همیشه ما را مدنظر داشتند، عمده انرژی و انگیزه پیش‌برد حرکت یانون‌دیزاین بودند. 

واقعیت آن است که مسائلی شخصی برای یک‌سالی این حرکت را متوقف کرد... اما عمده انگیزه‌ای که این سال‌ها پشت یانون‌دیزاین بود و اتفاقات خوبی که پیرامون آن در سال‌های گذشته افتاده بود مانع آن می‌شد که به کل یانون‌دیزاین را فراموش کنیم....

ما به امید خدا از امروز یعنی ابتدای اردی‌بهشت ۹۷ دوباره با انگیزه شروع خواهیم کرد. با هم از جهان هنر و طراحی خواهیم دید.... روزانه و پابه‌پای تحولاتی که در پیرامون‌ ماست.

Olympic Shooting Venue

چهارشنبه, ۲۴ خرداد ۱۳۹۱، ۰۶:۳۰ ب.ظ

استفاده از پوشش های چادری در نقش دیوار و جداره‌های پیرامونی بنا با همون منطق انحناهای دوگانه لازم برای سازه‌ای عمل کردن این پوشش ها...

فکر کنم فصلی نو در نحوه‌ی استفاده از این پوشش ها باشه چنین کاری

Olympic Shooting Venue by Magma Architecture
The shooting galleries for the London 2012 Olympic games are covered in spots that look the suckers of an octopus’ tentacles.
Olympic Shooting Venue by Magma Architecture
Designed by Magma Architecture of London and Berlin, the Olympic Shooting Venue comprises three PVC tents that have been erected at London’s historic Royal Artillery Barracks in Woolwich.
Olympic Shooting Venue by Magma Architecture
The extruded red, blue and pink circles draw ventilation inside each of the venues and also create tension nodes for the steel structure beneath the white skin.
Olympic Shooting Venue by Magma Architecture
Some natural light permeates this PVC membrane, while entrances are contained inside all the spots that meet the ground.
Olympic Shooting Venue by Magma Architecture
As the structures are only temporary, they will be dismantled immediately after the Olympics and reassembled in Glasgow for the 2014 Commonwealth Games.
Olympic Shooting Venue by Magma Architecture
See all the permanent Olympic buildings in our recent slideshow feature, including the aquatics centre by Zaha Hadid and the velodrome by Hopkins Architects.
Olympic Shooting Venue by Magma Architecture
See more stories about London 2012 »
Olympic Shooting Venue by Magma Architecture
Photography is by J.L. Diehl unless otherwise stated.
The text below is from Magma Architecture:

London Shooting Venue
The London Shooting Venue will accommodate the events in 10, 25 and 50 m Sport Shooting at the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games in the southeast London district of Woolwich.
Olympic Shooting Venue by Magma Architecture
The first Gold Medal of the London Olympic Games will be awarded at the venue for Women’s 10 m Air Pistol on the 28th July 2012. After the event the three temporary and mobile buildings will be dismantled and rebuilt in Glasgow for the 2014 Commonwealth Games.
Olympic Shooting Venue by Magma Architecture
Shooting is a sport in which the results and progress of the competition are hardly visible to the eye of the spectator.
Olympic Shooting Venue by Magma Architecture
The design of the shooting venue was driven by the desire to evoke an experience of flow and precision inherent in the shooting sport through the dynamically curving space.
Olympic Shooting Venue by Magma Architecture
All three ranges were configured in a crisp, white double curved membrane façade studded with vibrantly colored openings.
Olympic Shooting Venue by Magma Architecture
As well as animating the façade these dots operate as tensioning nodes.
Olympic Shooting Venue by Magma Architecture
The 18.000 m2 of phthalate-free pvc membrane functions best in this stretched format as it prevents the façade from flapping in the windt.
Olympic Shooting Venue by Magma Architecture
Photograph by Steve Bates
The openings also act as ventilation intake and doorways at ground level.
Olympic Shooting Venue by Magma Architecture
Photograph by Steve Bates
The fresh and light appearance of the buildings enhances the festive and celebrative character of the Olympic event.
Olympic Shooting Venue by Magma Architecture
With the buildings being dismantled after the event an additional aim was to create a remarkable design which will be remembered by visitors and the local community thereby leaving a mental imprint the Olympic of shooting sport competition in Woolwich.
Olympic Shooting Venue by Magma Architecture
The shooting venue is not situated in the Olympic Park, but has its own location in Woolwich on the grounds of the historic Royal Artillery Barracks.
Olympic Shooting Venue by Magma Architecture
Photograph by Steve Bates
It is estimated that more than 104.000 spectators will watch the competitions.
Olympic Shooting Venue by Magma Architecture
Photograph by Steve Bates
The three buildings comprise 3.800 seats divided between two partially enclosed ranges for the 25 and 10/50 m qualifying rounds and a fully enclosed finals range. Together they form a campus on the green field.
Olympic Shooting Venue by Magma Architecture
Photograph by Steve Bates
Their up to 107 m long facades refer to the structured length of the Royal Artillery Barracks building, but have their own contemporary architectural expression.
Olympic Shooting Venue by Magma Architecture
Guided by the high requirements from the client, the Olympic Delivery Authority, sustainability was a key factor in shaping the design. All materials will be reused or recycled.
Olympic Shooting Venue by Magma Architecture
All three of the venues are fully mobile, every joint has been designed so it can be reassembled; and no composite materials or adhesives were used. In addition, the semitransparent facades on two of the three ranges reduce the need for artificial lighting and the ventilation is fully natural.
Olympic Shooting Venue by Magma Architecture
The tensioning detail was achieved through an efficient configuration of modular steel components commonly used in temporary buildings market. The double-curvature geometry is a result of the optimal use of the membrane material, which magma architecture has been experimenting with for a number of years, amongst others in the award winning head in I im kopf exhibition at the Berlinische Galerie in Germany.
Olympic Shooting Venue by Magma Architecture
Magma archtitecture was founded in 2003 by the architect Martin Ostermann and the exhibition designer Lena Kleinheinz. Central to our work is the use of complex geometric modeling as a way of creating a more spatially dynamic vocabulary. This is essential to better articulate and reflect the heterogenieity of our cities and global culture.
Olympic Shooting Venue by Magma Architecture
We seek to be part of a new paradigm within architecture – one that is expressionistic, rooted in non-linear form-making and facilitated by new materiality and cutting edge technologies.

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یا پنیر دانمارکی
اگر کانسپت این بوده که بدنه شبیه به چیزی شه که در اثر ضربه یا فشار یا برخوردباهاش به اون شکل در اومده به نظرم عالیه....متناسب ترین متریال رو با کانسپتش انتخاب کرده که شایدکانسپتش همون نشون دادن عملکرد داخلی تو جداره باشه
من فکر می کنم عمده دلیل استفاده از چادر نه سبک سازیه و نه پوشش دهانه های بزرگ
دلیل اصلی صنعتی سازی و ساخت صنعتیه. متریال هایی مانند TEFT به راحتی و با سرعت توسط صنعت در ابعاد وسیع تولید می شن و همین یک دلیل کافی باید باشه که در جهان صنعتی امروز تمایل در به کارگیری شون باشه....
من میتونم دلیل استقاده از چادر رو در سقف ها بفهمم
چیزهایی مثل سبک سازی و پوشاندن دهانه های بزرگ و غیره
اما نمیتونم دلیل اینکه همون مصالح رو در دیوارها به کار ببریم بفهمم که شاید حتی از نظر اجرا هم سخت تره و هم از نظر هزینه به احتمال زیاد بیشتر تموم میشه

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ارسال نظر آزاد است، اما اگر قبلا در بیان ثبت نام کرده اید می توانید ابتدا وارد شوید.
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