اون قدر دیتیلها و رفتارهای نامعمول و مغایر با تجربه های مرسوم مون در این طرح دیدم که حیفم اومد این جا بازنشرش نکنم.
درسته این اثر ساخته شده و البته که بسیاری از کارهایی که انجام داده بیشتر نمود یک حرکت انتقادی دارند تا مثلا راهبردی معمارانه. اما واقعا چه چیزها که ما در زندگی مون خودمون قرارداد کردیم و مثل وحی منزل می دونیمشون و در مقابل چه چیزها که جزو اصول هستند و از طرف ما نادیده گرفته می شن....
برای رسیدن به راهحل های نو، باید ابتدا بند عادت ها رو درید....

This unusual detached home applying the principles of an Escher painting in architecture displays a volumetric facade covered in a soft synthetic grass, pierced by weirdly placed staircases and large windows adorned with other windows. Yes, it is a lot to take in, but focusing on each detail at a time gives us a complete view of this green residence in Frohnleiten, Austria. Designed by Reinhold Weichlbauer and Albert Josef Ortis ofWeichlbauer Ortis Architects, the single family home can be looked at as an exploration of the connectivity between nature and architecture. The concrete structure covered in greenery has vertical corner windows interrupted by another window placed horizontally, shaping a cantilevering railing. Simple concrete stairs leading nowhere construct a fairy-tale scenario, while the surrounding green scape participates in creating a picturesque surrounding. Do you think that this an inspiring project? Or would you rather chose as inspiration one of the 20 Green Walled Buildings presented by Lavinia not long ago?