شاید نقاشی های گچی رو تخته سیاه ها از کوهستان های افغانستان در این کار، اصل کار باشه که به نوعی یک منظر خاص از میانه کوهستان های حوالی کابل رو تداعی می کنه، اما به نظرم باقی بخش های این فضاسازی دکوراتیو، از رنگ دیوارها و هندسه شون تا تضادشون با تخته های سیاه و نحوه ترکیب و چینش تخته ها، تا نرده فرمال و طلایی رنگی که پله و بالکن و بالا و پایین مجموعه رو به هم دوخته، همه و همه در ترکیبی خاص و کامل کنار هم دارند عمل میکنن. ....
چنین فضاسازی هایی، فضاسازی هایی که از مجموعه عناصر انتزاعی و بازنمایی های عینی محدود بهره میبرن و به ترکیب بندی کاملی دست پیدا می کنن غالبا برای بیان مفاهیم و معانی چند پرده و عمیق ظرفیت های مناسبی دارند

'fatigues' by tacita dean, 2012
chalk on blackboard, 6 panels
230 x 1110 cm; 230 x 557cm; 230 x 744cm; 230 x 1110cm; 230x 557cm; 230 x 615cm
spohrstr.7 (ex-finance building) fridericianum kabul - bamiyan
image by nils klinger and courtesy the artist; frith street gallery, london; marian goodman gallery, new york, paris
tacita dean: fatigues
dOCUMENTA (13), kassel, germany
on now until august 16th, 2012
UK artist tacita dean has created 'fatigues', a six panel blackboard pieces recreating the mountainous landscape of afghanistan for dOCUMENTA (13) in kassel, germany. following dean's visit to kabul to film the rugged countryside belonging to this middle eastern nation, she found her footage to be flawed and instead offers this ex-business center enormous blackboard mural sketches picturing afghanistan's terrain. while some of the landscapes are covered in a bright white chalk, standing in stark contrast to the darkness of dean's blackboard canvas, others are decorated with only a hint of line to portray the movement of rivers, snow and the interaction of these elements with sunlight. the massive artwork spans the walls of an open air two-story space belonging to a former banking hall and was commissioned and co-produced by the festival for which the piece is displayed.

alternate view of the installation
image by nils klinger

one of the upstairs rectangular panels portrays a more jagged landscape
image via contemporary art daily

a visualizations of the largest components of 'fatigue'-- both up and downstairs
image via contemporary art daily

image by nils klinger

one of six blackboard panels
image by nils klinger

blotted lines and stark white chalk form the mountainscape
image via contemporary art daily

a detailed perspective of 'fatigue'
image by nils klinger